
The general objective of the explorations presented in this documentation was to develop a concept of urban nesting interventions for wild bees that could act as a first mediator between man and untamed nature by integrating an undomesticated species into our urban habitats. By combining strategies and elements of both the technological and the biological realm, the project tries to reintegrate the anthroposphere with nature and allude to a future of hybrid habitats that combine and sustain various terrains and forms of life.

Based on the preceding considerations and experiments related to this intention, the Hive Bomb project aims at the attraction of noncompliant behavior to motivate people to involve with the impending extinction of an important part of undomesticated nature that could not be replaced easily. By moving a possible starting point to the solution of the wild bee’s predicament into the urban habitat, within the vicinity of everyday city life, the project tries to build a bridge for reconciliation between man and nature. Being developed in an exchange of technological and natural methods such as a morphogenetic design approach and the use of new, hybrid materials, Hive Bombs are artifacts that communicate the projected shift to a more integrated future through both their purpose and their composition.

The result of the Hive Bomb project is a set of prototypes that have not been fully tested in real circumstances yet. However, all functional requirements identified during a phase of extensive research have been considered in their development. While there may be a range of improvements that the Hive Bombs could benefit from, specifically in terms of material, stability and protection from wind and rain, the overall concept is expected to be successful. Besides possible improvements, the project tries to inspire further discussion and projects with similar intentions. After all, mankind’s capability to develop technologies that impact the whole planet does not need to result in an increase of pollution and danger to the biosphere, but implies the chance to actively reverse damages and even enhance life in all its forms.